Bearded dragons bonding with child

My Kid and His Two Bearded Dragon Lizards. We have two Bearded Dragon Lizards; Draco and Drago. I wonder why some people are scared of them, as they are really cute and so far, they have turned out to be excellent pets for my kid.

Out of the two, Draco happens to be a bit more dominant than Drago, but on the other hand, is very calm and quiet. The best part about having them as pets is that unlike any other pets, they can be easily carried anywhere and tend to adapt with the surrounding, which is one of their best qualitys. They don't mind having lots of people around them, though Draco many times prefer to stay inside his cage.

He's a bit moody, I guess. Many times I get a feeling that they listen to my kid when he talks. When, my kid feels low or is upset, he prefers staying in his room. Whenever I try and peep inside, I find him talking out his problems with his bearded dragons having fun with these two creatures. The best part, which I would like to mention here is that, Draco and Drago will stare at him, as if they are listening and trying to understand him. I truly appreciate this bonding between them and my kid. It’s truly amazing.

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Apr 23, 2011
very cute
by: Anonymous

that was a very good story

Mar 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

i think i seen a vid on youtube of them too lol just to let yall know ha ha ha

Jul 20, 2010
by: Ken

That is very touching.. Can you really take your beardeddragon anywhere????? I want to do that!!!! GREAT STORY!!

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