Am I over reacting?

by Ben
(Stratford, ONT)

My Beardie isn't really eating since I changed his surroundings... I got him a month ago with sand , dome rock, wood perch and a mirror as background. He doesn't eat veggies at all for some reason to begin with...but he likes crickets and superworms. I recently created a 3d environment to replace his current one and cover the mirror. I put ceramic tiles in before adding the background and scenery. But he didn't really move today as much as he used to and only at two worms ... Does it take a bit for them to adapt to new surrounding? I am worried maybe there is too much for to it?

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Aug 26, 2015
Offer greens anyway
by: Andy

I would still offer greens everyday. Make sure they are cut up in tiny pieces, and use the hard greens that I mentioned, and spray them with water.

Aug 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

He seems to be moving around the tank more. Find him sleeping in different spots and not in his hideout, which I think is good because he would be hiding if he was stressed I would imagine. But I have tried feeding me lots of veggies and he will not eat any, nor greens. Just his crickets and mealworms.

Aug 22, 2015
GIve a bearded dragon some time to adjust to new surroundings.
by: Andy

Yeah, I would just give him some time to get used to it. If he goes on for more than 3 weeks and still hasn't adjusted, it might be something else that's wrong. Dragons are usually never great greens eaters, -are you offering him the hard greens: collard, turnip, mustard (no lettuce)?

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